College & Career » Dual & Concurrent Enrollment

Dual & Concurrent Enrollment

The Science Academy integrates community college courses as part of our high school curriculum (dual enrollment). Additionally, we support students who wish to take additional community college courses on their own (concurrent enrollment) with the goal of earning an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree while still enrolled in high school.

For the latter courses, students are required to meet with our Counseling Office for guidance and encouraged to meet with an LAVC counselor to help navigate which courses are UC/CSU transferrable, and within these courses, which ones can be used to meet general education and preparation requirements for a major.

Currently, The Science Academy is partnered with Los Angeles Valley College for our dual enrollment high school classes, but students may concurrently enroll at any of the colleges in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD).


Enrollment Process:

Whether you are looking at dual enrollment or concurrent enrollment at LAVC, the steps are the same:

  1. review LAVC’s Class Schedule for the upcoming session;
  2. if you are new to LAVC and have never been enrolled and/or issued an LAVC student ID number, complete the LAVC admissions application to obtain your LAVC student ID number (otherwise, continue to #3);
  3. complete the student information section and the course subject/number portion of the enrollment section of the LACC Application for Enrollment in Grades K-12 (Dynamic Form);
  4. return your completed and signed form to Ms. Hodali, our academic counselor, for approval and administrative signature. She will forward to LAVC’s admission’s office to complete the process.
  5. if you plan to take courses at another LACC college, please speak with Ms. Hodali and refer to that college’s particular process for concurrent enrollment.

*NOTE: The Science Academy will NOT approve requests for any courses that are normally offered during the regular school year as part of the SA curriculum or SA/LAVC dual enrollment curriculum. These classes include Algebra I, Algebra II, Pre-calculus, Spanish 1, 2, 3, Health, and any other electives chosen as part of the SA High School curriculum.


LAVC Documents & Forms: